Twinkle: A One-Act Play for Three Actors, Two Aerialists, a Cellist, and Chorus

45 minutes – 2w, 1 small boy, chorus of 6-8, 2 aerialists, 1 cellist

This multi-layered piece employs aerial artists, improvised cello accompaniment, a Greek Chorus and traditional actors to tell the story of a family beset by the challenges of raising a child with autism. The interplay of words, music, and motion reveal every facet of the experience, including the rich inner life of the child, and provide a highly theatrical experience of a most difficult subject. The joyful ending is a welcome surprise, and one filled with hope.

Production History: Twinkle received a staged reading (with aerialists!) in August, 2013 at The Emporium in Knoxville, TN, and was selected as a semifinalist in the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference in 2014